A Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is a set of standardized tests and observations that is used to determine an individual’s fitness to work.

Our FCE’s are performed by a licensed physical therapist and certified functional capacity evaluator who has over 20 years of experience in performing FCE’s. These tests can be used to determine an individual’s ability to perform a specific occupation or job, or can be used in order to establish an individual’s baseline functional abilities to assist with vocational planning. Our FCE’s utilize the OccuPro FCE model and software. This system determines if an individual is putting forth full and consistent effort and whether their pain reports are reliable. It determines the exact percentage of the job an injured employee can perform and can be used for disability purposes. The reports speak the language of physicians, insurance carriers, and employers, thus making it convenient for everyone involved in getting an injured employee back to work. The FCE report is generated immediately upon completion of the evaluation, and reports can be emailed or faxed within minutes.